The Best Tricks to Prepare GST Tax Invoice For Your Business

Grow Tax - GST

An invoice is prepared when goods are sold. If any sale happens, then invoice is prepared by seller and given to the buyer of the goods. The details related to the buyer and seller with their registration number and other required information is mentioned on the invoice.

GST tax invoice is prepared according to the guidelines mentioned in the Goods and Services Tax law. According to the GST, A Goods and Services Tax tax bill should be prepared according to the section 23 of the law issued by the seller to the buyer. Here are some tips which will help you in preparing GST tax invoice for your business –

Name and address in a sale invoice, name and address of the supplier should be mentioned. Generally, address of the registered office is mentioned. But id the supplier has office in different areas then address used for the registration of Goods and Services Tax should be mentioned.

GSTIN number GST registration number/GSTIN must be mentioned on the tax bill. GST registration number is the proof that the supplier is registered under the Goods and Services Tax. It helps the authorities of GST too confirm the supplier at any time during supply or after the supply or about any other supply by referring to the GSTIN number. If the details of the supply are not uploaded by the supplier then required actions can be taken just by referring to GSTIN.

GST tax invoice number generally, invoice is prepared according to successive invoice number. In GST tax invoice same method is followed. A successive serial number containing alphabets or numbers or both, a unique number has to mention on the Goods and Services Tax invoice.

Recipient details details of recipient like name, address and GSTIN number of the recipient should be mentioned on the invoice along with delivery address, name of the state and required codes If the recipient is not registered under GST and the taxable value of the goods supplied is 50,000 rupees or more.

Date of GST invoice generally, GST number for the transaction is provided according to the time of issue of invoice. So the date which should be mentioned on the GST tax bill should be the date on which the invoice was issued.

HSN code or SAC code HSN code is Harmonized System Number code and SAC code means Service Accounting Code number. The HSN code and SAC number should be mentioned on the GST tax invoice. You will get the link to find the HSN code for the goods supplied. The link also lists the SAC code. These codes and numbers help in classifying goods for the computation of GST as it is set by the authorities.

Description of goods or services the description of the goods supplied should be mentioned on the GST tax invoice. In case of supplies details of the services provided should be mentioned.

Total value and taxable value of sales this is the most important part of the bill. The total taxable value of the goods or services computed according to GST should be mentioned separately. Total value of goods and taxable value of the goods separately mentioned.

Rate and amount of GST the applicable rate of Goods and Services Tax should be mentioned on the tax invoice. After the calculation of GST, amount of Goods and Services Tax chargeable on the goods supplied is required to be mentioned on the GST tax invoice. The amount of CGST or IGST included in the total GST should be mentioned separately.

Signature of supplier Goods and Services Tax tax invoice prepared by supplier should be signed by either supplier or the authorized person. The signature can be digital signature but it should be according to the guidelines of GST.

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